Server Handbook
This Server handbook is our guide to structure and discipline here at DVATC. Outlined here is all of the rules and regulations for all of the programs and places that we use to fly and run the server. Each rule has its own punishment, which will be carried out if that regulation is broken. Remember to follow these rules, and most importantly: have fun!

A. Server Handbook

1. No insulting an individual's beliefs and religions.

2. No prejudice or discrimination against any race, sex, or culture.

3. No disrespecting Administrators or other members.

4. No joining and leaving Teamspeak excessively.

5. No advertising of other Flight Simulation servers in Teamspeak.
6. No talking about games other than Flight Simulator inside of the teamspeak server or flight server.

7. No changing channels at a high rate. (A.K.A: Flooding - this will result in a kick, and then a subsequent case may result in a temporary ban / disciplinary action.)

8. No talking over each other in Teamspeak.

9. No use of voice activation by members or administrators in Teamspeak at any time.

10. No trying to contact any members in the Long-Term or Short-Term Parking channels, except by the use of a Private Message.

11. No extreme use of the Private Message System in Teamspeak. However, should an incident arise, DVATC has the right and ability to recall logs of the Teamspeak transactions at all times.

12. No member shall play sound boards of any sort, including any with profanity or racial remarks.

13. No member should play music at any time EXCEPT when authorized for a promotional video.

14. No transmitting of Extraneous Noises.

15. No transmitting any bodily noises on the server, Teamspeak, or ANY voice communication affiliated with Detroit Virtual ATC.

16. No cursing or swearing in ANY language at any time.

17. No form of piracy shall be discussed, referenced, or transmitted in any way either by Private Messages or voice communications.

18. No rude sarcasm, criticism, or verbal / written abuse of another player is allowed.

19. No administrators or channel administrators may move players out of the Away channels at any time, unless requested by the player being moved.

B. (ALL) Conduct in the Multi-player Session

1. No spawning on the runway at any airport, or at any time.

2. No use of the radar client is permitted in the DVATC session unless you are a Certified DVATC Air Traffic Controller.

3. No targeting of other players and or spamming information about other products, servers, and or virtual airlines etc.. This is not allowed on our server, website, or any partnership web site that is in conjunction with

4. No aircraft may operate in a prohibited area unless granted by the using agency.

5. No player should talk over one another in the voice server, it is disrespectful and immature.

6. No member(s) may fly in military aircraft in an irresponsible manner. All military aircraft should be operated under normal FAA procedures and should not interfere with any ATC operations. Furthermore, any Military aircraft should depart and arrive at a military installation or airbase unless express permission is granted by the founder.

7. No member(s) may "buzz", "bomb", or fly within FAA limits of ANY aircraft or obstacle in the DVATC session, at ANY time. (See section B.I. #18, and also maintain reasonable visual separation from aircraft.)

8. No user may disregard any NOTAMs while connected to the DVATC session. (See Section B.I. #25)

9. No irrelivant radio communications are permitted in the flight server. Any personal / non-flight related content is to be shared by Teamspeak ONLY.

10. No General Aviation or Light aircraft may taxi above 15 knots,and no Heavy jets may taxi over 25 knots in the Detroit Virtual multi-player session.

11. No advertising of other Flight Simulator Servers in the session.

B.I. (Pilots)

1. All aircraft must operate transponders while in operation, in order to facilitate the proper operation of Air Traffic Control services.

2. The pilot in operation is directly responsible of the operation of the aircraft and will be responsible for any violation by the aircraft.

3. All pilots are responsible for filing a complete flight plan to the FAA (DVATC Air Traffic Control) for use by Air Traffic Control.

4. No person may operate an aircraft so close to another aircraft as to create a collision hazard.

5. No person may operate an aircraft in formation flight except by arrangement with the pilot in command of each aircraft in the formation.

6. No person may operate an aircraft, carrying passengers for hire, in formation flight for the safety of the passengers.

7. An aircraft in distress has the right-of-way over all other air traffic.

8. A balloon has the right-of-way over any other category of aircraft.

9. A glider has the right-of-way over an airship, powered parachute, weight-shift-control aircraft, airplane, or rotorcraft.

10. An airship has the right-of-way over a powered parachute, weight-shift-control aircraft, airplane, or rotorcraft.

11. An aircraft towing or refueling other aircraft has the right-of-way over all other engine-driven aircraft

12. When aircraft are approaching each other head-on, or nearly so, each pilot of each aircraft shall alter course to the right.

13. Each aircraft that is being overtaken has the right-of-way and each pilot of an overtaking aircraft shall alter course to the right to pass well clear.

14. When two aircraft are bisecting each other the aircraft on the right has the right of way and any other aircraft should thus yield to it.

15. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person may operate an aircraft below 10,000 feet MSL at an indicated airspeed of more than 250 knots (288 m.p.h.).

16. Unless otherwise authorized or required by ATC, no person may operate an aircraft at or below 2,500 feet above the surface within 4 nautical miles of the primary airport of a Class C or Class D airspace area at an indicated airspeed of more than 200 knots (230 mph.). This paragraph does not apply to any operations within a Class B airspace area.

17. No person may operate an aircraft in the airspace underlying a Class B airspace area designated for an airport or in a VFR corridor designated through such a Class B airspace area, at an indicated airspeed of more than 200 knots (230 mph).

18. Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons, an airplane must fly at least an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle and a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet from the obstacle.

19. An aircraft must fly over an altitude of 500 feet above the surface in rural areas, except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In those cases, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.

20. Helicopters may be operated at less than the minimums if the operation is conducted without hazard to persons or property on the surface. In addition, each person operating a helicopter shall comply with any routes or altitudes specifically prescribed for helicopters by the Administrator.

21. When an ATC clearance has been obtained, no pilot in command may deviate from that clearance unless an amended clearance is obtained, an emergency exists, or the deviation is in response to a traffic alert and collision avoidance system resolution advisory. However, except in Class A airspace, a pilot may cancel an IFR flight plan if the operation is being conducted in VFR weather conditions. When a pilot is uncertain of an ATC clearance, that pilot shall immediately request clarification from ATC.

22. Except in an emergency, no person may operate an aircraft contrary to an ATC instruction in an area in which air traffic control is exercised.

23. Each pilot in command who, in an emergency, or in response to a traffic alert and collision avoidance system resolution advisory, deviates from an ATC clearance or instruction shall notify ATC of that deviation as soon as possible.

24. No person may operate an aircraft in a Class B airspace area unless the aircraft is equipped with the applicable operating transponder and automatic altitude reporting equipment.

25. No person may operate an aircraft over or in the vicinity of any area to be visited or traveled by the President, the Vice President, or other public figures contrary to the restrictions established by the Administrator and published in a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM).

26. No person may begin a flight in an airplane under VFR conditions unless (considering wind and forecast weather conditions) there is enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing and, assuming normal cruising speed During the day, to fly after that for at least 30 minutes; or At night, to fly after that for at least 45 minutes.

27. VFR aircraft on a magnetic course of zero degrees through 179 degrees, any odd thousand foot MSL altitude +500 feet (such as 3,500, 5,500, or 7,500); or operating on a magnetic course of 180 degrees through 359 degrees, any even thousand foot MSL altitude +500 feet (such as 4,500, 6,500, or 8,500)

28. When operating below 18,000 feet MSL and on a magnetic course of zero degrees through 179 degrees, any odd thousand foot MSL altitude (such as 3,000, 5,000, or 7,000).

29. When operating below 18,000 feet MSL and on a magnetic course of 180 degrees through 359 degrees, any even thousand foot MSL altitude (such as 2,000, 4,000, or 6,000).

30. When operating at or above 18,000 feet MSL but below flight level 290 and on a magnetic course of zero degrees through 179 degrees, operate at any odd flight level (such as 190, 210, or 230)

31. When operating at or above 18,000 feet MSL but below flight level 290 and on a magnetic course of 180 degrees through 359 degrees, operate at any even flight level (such as 180, 200, or 220)

32. When operating at flight level 290 and above in non-RVSM airspace, and on a magnetic course of zero degrees through 179 degrees, operate at any flight level, at 4,000-foot intervals, beginning at and including flight level 290 (such as flight level 290, 330, or 370).

33. When operating at flight level 290 and above in non-RVSM airspace, and on a magnetic course of 180 degrees through 359 degrees, operate at any flight level, at 4,000-foot intervals, beginning at and including flight level 310 (such as flight level 310, 350, or 390)

34. Each person operating an aircraft equipped with an operable traffic alert and collision avoidance system shall have that system on and operating.

35. No person may operate a civil aircraft in the United States at a true flight Mach number greater than 1 except in compliance with conditions and limitations in an authorization to exceed Mach 1 issued to the operator by an authorized Administrator.

36. All Military operations are to be conducted within a Military Airspace.

37. Any pilot flying within Military Airspace is responsible for avoiding collisions with Military aircraft.

38. Pilots must be proficient in the aircraft they are flying in order to insure the safety of the passengers, crew, and bystanders.

39. Any FAA Authorized Administrator (Detroit Virtual Administrator) may question a pilots action at any time.

40. All pilots must be observant of adverse weather, local NOTAMs, flight routes, and traffic at all times.

41. Aircraft operated must have sufficient instrumentation unless that aircraft has special certification (i.e. historical certificate).

42. In order to conduct VFR flight within Class Bravo airspace you must have at least 3 statute miles visibility and conduct flight operations under the cloud layer.

43. In order to conduct VFR flight within a Class Charlie, Delta, or Echo airspace you must have at least 3 statue miles visibility and conduct flight operations 500 feet below or 1000 feet above as well as 2000 feet from a cloud.

44. In order to conduct VFR flight outside of airspace but during day you must have at least 1 statue mile visibility and be 500 feet below or 1000 feet above as well as 2000 feet from clouds.

45. In order to conduct VFR flight outside of a airspace but during night you must have at least 3 statue miles visibility and be 500 feet below or 1000 feet above as well as 2000 feet from clouds.

46. If conducting IFR flight operations pilots must fly 2000 feet above the highest object in a mountainous area and 1000 feet over the highest object in non-mountainous area.

47. All pilots are to follow all rules listed as well as all rules listed in current Federal Aviation Rules that deal with or relate to operations. (F.A.R.s)

48. Administrators have the right to terminate a flight due to negligence of policies listed above.

49. If a pilot encounters an emergency in flight, he is to squawk 7700 to alert ATC of the emergency. If your radio fails during flight, you are to squawk 7600 to alert atc of your "no comms" situation.

50.ALL PILOTS AND ADMINISTRATORS: If there are no active controllers voice communication MUST be held in the In Flight Unicom channel of the MAIN TEAMSPEAK. No Exceptions. NO ATC COMMUNICATIONS ARE TO EVER BE HELD IN A STANDARD LOUNGE OF THE MAIN TEAMSPEAK SERVER. No exceptions are to ever be made on this issue. ALL ATC controlled sessions are to be held on the Flight Communications server, not on the main Teamspeak at any time.


1. All Air Traffic controllers must have a CURRENT airport chart of the airport that they are controlling at.

2. Air Traffic Controllers must respect ALL pilots in session and ALL authority in or out of session ( EX. ATC instructors and administrators.)

3.The primary purpose of an air traffic control system is to prevent collision; it is not to organize the flow of traffic, nor to expedite the flow of traffic.

4.Give first priority to separating aircraft and issuing safety alerts as required in this order. Good judgment shall be used in prioritizing all other provisions of this order based on the requirements of the situation at hand.

A. Use automation procedures in preference to non-automation procedures when workload, communications, and equipment capabilities permit.

B. Use radar separation in preference to non-radar separation when it will be to an operational advantage and workload, communications, and equipment permit.

C. Use non-radar separation in preference to radar separation when the situation dictates that an operational advantage will be gained.

5. Issue a safety alert to an aircraft if you are aware the aircraft is in a position/altitude which, in your judgment, places it in unsafe proximity to terrain, obstructions, or other aircraft.

6. The local controller has primary responsibility for operations conducted on the active runway and must control the use of those runways.

7. Issue airport condition information necessary for an aircraft�s safe operation in time for it to be useful to the pilot.

8. Establish the sequence of arriving and departing aircraft by requiring them to adjust flight or ground operation, as necessary, to achieve proper spacing.
9. Air traffic controllers shall not approve pilot requests to deviate from the required wake turbulence time interval if the preceding aircraft is a heavy jet/B757.

10. Takeoff clearance needs not be withheld until prescribed separation exists if there is a reasonable assurance it will exist when the aircraft starts takeoff roll.

11. When a local controller delivers or amends an ATC clearance to an aircraft awaiting departure and that aircraft is holding short of a runway or is holding in position on a runway, an additional clearance shall be issued to prevent the possibility of the aircraft inadvertently taxiing onto the runway and/or beginning takeoff roll. In such cases, append one of the following ATC instructions as appropriate: 1. HOLD SHORT OF RUNWAY, or 2. Position and Hold.

12. When an aircraft is authorized to taxi into takeoff position to hold, inform it of the closest traffic that is cleared to land, touch-and-go, stop-and-go, or unrestricted low approach on the same runway.

13. Provide current departure information, as appropriate, to departing aircraft.
A. Departure information contained in the ATIS broadcast may be omitted if the pilot states the appropriate ATIS code.
B. Issue departure information by including the following:
B1. Runway in use. (May be omitted if pilot states have the numbers.)
B2. Surface wind from direct readout dial, wind shear detection system, or automated weather observing system information display. (May be omitted if pilot states have the numbers.)
B3. Altimeter setting. (May be omitted if pilot states have the numbers.)
C. Time, when requested.
D. Issue the official ceiling and visibility, when available, to a departing aircraft before takeoff as follows:
D1. To a VFR aircraft when weather is below VFR conditions.
D2. To an IFR aircraft when weather is below VFR conditions or highest takeoff minima, whichever is greater.

14. Do not use the word cleared in conjunction with authorization for aircraft to taxi or equipment/ vehicle/personnel operations. Use the prefix taxi, proceed, or hold, as appropriate, for aircraft instructions and proceed or hold for equipment/ vehicles/personnel.

15. Provide air traffic control service to aircraft on a first come, first served basis as circumstances permit, except the following.

A. An aircraft in distress has the right of way over all other air traffic.

B. Provide priority to civilian air ambulance flights LIFEGUARD. Air carrier/taxi usage of the LIFEGUARD call sign, indicates that operational riority is requested. When verbally requested,provide priority to military air evacuation flights (AIR EVAC, MED EVAC) and scheduled air carrier/air taxi flights. Assist the pilots of air ambulance/evacuation aircraft to avoid areas of significant weather and turbulent conditions. When requested by a pilot, provide notifications to expedite ground handling of patients, vital organs, or urgently needed medical materials.

C. Provide maximum assistance to SAR aircraft performing a SAR mission.

D. Expedite the movement of presidential aircraft and entourage and any rescue support aircraft.

As well as related control messages when conditions and communications traffic facilities permit.

C. General Conduct. (Forum / Website)

1. Debating and discussion is fine, Detroit Virtual will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. An Administrators decision is final in these matters.

2. Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word, or short, meaningless posts. (To be determined by an administrator / forum moderator)

3. Posting Information about ANY other multi-player Session / Server / Community / Website, etc. is strictly prohibited and will not be accepted at any time.

4. Advertising, spamming, and trolling are not allowed. This includes using the forum email and Private message system to spam other members.

5. We also do not allow posts that are sexual in nature or violate DVATC community standards. The DVATC team shall be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate community standards.

6. Discussion of illegal activities, such as software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not allowed.

7. DVATC reserves the right to remove offensive posts (ones that go against the community moral conduct) at our own discretion.

8. Consequently we reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure these forums are not disrupted or abused in any way.

9. You cannot post any affiliate or referral server links, or post anything asking for a server referral. Such posts will be subject to removal.

10. No requests should be made through email, Private Messages, or the forums, requesting payware aircraft from that person, the only Exception is when requesting websites where that person may buy them.

11. Detroit Virtual is 100% against piracy of products, and the discussing of ANY form of piracy in the forums, Private Messages, or emails is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

12. No lying, disrespect, or talking back to administrators or any other members.

13. No profanity in ANY Teamspeak channel to also include the website herein or any other system of Detroit Virtual ATC. The Smoking Lounge is reserved for members OVER THE AGE OF 18, NO EXCEPTIONS.

14. All members are required to be above the age of 16.

D. Administrator Conduct and Regulations (Still In Progress)

1. All administrators must follow the above rules of the server handbook

2. Administrators are representing Detroit Virtual ATC any time they make a post on the forums, talk on the Voice server or conduct any operations in the Flight Server, therefore, they should always conduct themselves in a professional manner. Any neglect in this policy may incur suspension or termination of the administrator.

3. All administrators are expected to maintain an active status on the website, flight server and voice server to support operations of the server and maintain server morale. In addition all administrators are expected to maintain a monthly total of at least 35 hours of flight/ATC time in session. If this is neglected a suspension/removal from the admin panel is possible.

4. Administrators will be subject to a higher standard then regular members, and should conduct themselves as such. Arguing with a member or causing a distraction, harrassing and/or provoking any member is innappropriate and will be subject to immediate suspension from their position as admin for a period no shorter then 3 days. If the actions continue the admin will be suspended from their position as admin for a full week (7 Days). If there are further issues the administrator will be suspended for a month from any operations on the server and his Admin status revoked permanantly.

5. All administrators are subject to a monthly and quarterly action review. This review is done by the founder and a select random head/support admin. This review is to verify the administration teams productivity and standard flight/ATC hour requirements. Furthermore all administrators must be present for their review appointment. No exceptions will be made in this manner, an appointment time will be issued at least 1 week in advance and the admin must clarify any issues with this time before their appointment. If an admin misses their review appointment they will be immediately suspended from their duties for no less then one week (7 days).

6. Administrators are expected and are REQUIRED to be at ANY and ALL administration/community meetings. There are no meetings that are "optional". All meetings are important to the operation of the server and administrators agree to be present to ALL meetings upon their acceptance of the position. Exceptions may be made only by the Founder, no administrator may excuse another from a meeting. Meeting times are on the second friday of EVERY month at 9 PM EST and administrators are expected to adjust their schedules accordingly, missing a meeting is not acceptable. Community meetings are held on the last friday of every month at 9 PM EST. Exceptions must be filed no less then 2 weeks in advance to the founder via a digitally signed release form provided to all Admins.

7. Administrators are all subject to corrective actions by the founder at any time due to their innappropriate actions or violation of ANY server policy. Admins are monitored for their professionalism and are tracked very strictly, any innappropriate action will be noted for their monthly/quarterly review.

8. The founder/head admins reserve the right to remove ANY admin/member from the site for any reason at any time.

E. Virtual Airlines

1.) They have atleast 5 active members who sign onto Team Speak at least twice a week.

2.) All VA flights are conducted in our flight server. Not in free flight or another online FSX server.

3.) The VA logs a minimum of 3-4 hours a week per member. This is a ratio, not a per member commitment.

4.) Atleast 1 VA member attends the monthly community meeting to keep their VA informed. This member should be nominated through their respective VA.

5.) Members of the VA must be in good standing with DVATC before acceptance can be granted, this will ensure Admins of DVATC have open communication with VA Admins.

6.) All VA's are required to develop and maintain an appropriate website advertising they fly with DVATC.

7.) All VA's are required to hold a flight night one night a month with at least 5 of their members flying during the scheduled time.

8.) All VA's will be subject to monthly reviews by the admininistration panel, reviewing VA members as well as accumulated flight hours, member conduct, and advancement on the VA team. This should be done during the community meeting. VA's must file a monthly report to the admin panel.

9.) VA's shall not engage in slander toward another VA. While friendly competition is encouraged, if it becomes more than that, repercussions will be administered. VA's will have the ability to make a formal grievence against another VA and an appropriate hearing shall be held.

10.) All members of a VA are still a part of DVATC, and must continue to abide by DVATC rules and regulations for that venue. No member is excussed from any rules, and VA's are subject to a similar set of intra-community rules. -- Mokie13

11.) All VA's looking to transfer to Detroit Virtual will be required to hold a probationary period of at least 2 weeks. During this probationary period all Virtual Airlines will be required to have 5 pilots and 1 main administrator be a reflective of their VA. During or at the end of this period we would then make the decision to allow or disallow the VA to the community.

12.) No VA's will be granted Detroit Virtual Teamspeak Channels or special access.

13.) All VA pilots, will be required to take the entrance exam. No special access will be granted to VA's to allow members to by-pass the entrance exam. 14.) All VAs will be required to hold a Detroit Virtual VA License. This license will be good for 6 months. (Much like a Business L.) Once your VA's License has expired you will be required to renew this License - Pending a VA Review. (This License will be presented via Email - Will be Required to be placed on Website.)

15.) Any VA's License can be removed during the 1 year allowance. If your VA License is removed, you must remove the License logo from your website within 48 hours.

16.) No VA will allow, promote or distribute payware ("not limited to") software and aircraft.

17.) All VA's will be required to have a VA Paint Scheme.

18.) No Multiple VA Names ( We will not allow more then one Atis Airways. Once we have a Atis Airways no other VA's will be allowed to sign up under that name )

19.) All VA's playing the role of real world airlines, will be required to provide Detroit Virtual documentation that the VA has permission to use the real world airline's logos, colors and various information on a VA.

20.) Detroit Virtual ATC will not place additional logos, banners and or advertisements for VA's on our website. Your Banner & Link will be placed on our VA page.

21.) VA's offering custom flight plan systems will still be required to file a flight plan for our system.

22.) VA's are not required to have a Teamspeak or Ventrilo server. However you will not be allowed to abuse our community server with the administration of your VA. Test